วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

◄4► Awesome Engineer Action (hourtage)

the hourtage (edited in an hour) makes a return after dougan slept in this morning - yes I'm still experimenting with this, and as always, would love your feedback (both positive & NEGATIVE) Yes, Eternal Vigilance is recruiting evcitadel.com Yes, we do arse about in teamspeak (grab a user to MOVE you to the channel) IP voice.evcitadel.com ~ On the Respawn App? BUMP it bit.ly On Tumblr? so am i Join the Cult facebook.com TW@TTER? twitter.com The music in this video: BFBC2 OST - Track 14 by Trevor Rabin Trololo douganifed Remix by Hunter 276 tra.kz ♪ ~LEGAL~ All media content remains the proprietary property of each of the respective copyright holders, and said pieces have been used under the terms of Fair Use. If you are the copyright holder believe your content has been used unfairly, please contact me on justdougan AT gmail DOT com

See more : เรื่องจริงผ่านงาน Coffee Break หมวดงานระบบประปาและดับเพลิง

วันพุธที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Introduction to Chemical Engineering | Lecture 5

Professor Channing Robertson of the Stanford University Chemical Engineering Department discusses the design and function of an apheresis machine. Introduction to Chemical Engineering (E20) is an introductory course offered by the Stanford University Engineering Department. It provides a basic overview of the chemical engineering field today and delves into the applications of chemical engineering. Stanford Chemical Engineering Department: cheme.stanford.edu Stanford University: www.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com

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The copse gas architect runs the accomplished farm!

Running our entire place off of gasified white oak chunks and running the gas into a 1972 - 25Kw Onan 30 EK genset through a simple homemade carburetor.

My Links : GENERAL ห้องทดลอง

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554


Former Canadian defence minister Paul Hellyer PLEASE SHARE! THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEOS ON THE WEB ,DOWNLOAD AND UPLOAD! The Truth is that we live in a Pyramidal system where most of the population is in the bottom and the top always has been ran by the same group of families we have came to a point were we have to decide what kind of future we want for humanity and the planet, its up to YOU to do something about the fraudulent racist xenophobist classicist greedy pollutant system. please investigate for your self and don't believe blindly everything you see there are other independent groups trying to show the truth. www.exopoltik.org www.DisclosureProject.com www.Oddisealink.com www.projectcamelot.com i have put some more interesting links in my channel here is another video i have about the lies of the big pharmacist and the FLU HOAX www.youtube.com and one of the many many many many evidences that got out from the shadow governments www.youtube.com thanks for watching ;-) Please Rate and subscribe for more UFO/ET and Secret government videos Thank you! Some of the people that support Disclosure and have evidence/experience of the ET/UFO and suppressed technology: -Dr.Paul Czysz Professor of Aeronautical Engineering -Dr.Carol Rosin Corporate Mandager Farchild Induestries -Prof.RoberJacobs United States Air Force(ret.) -LT.Col,John Williams United States Air force -Lt.Frederick Fox US NAVY Pilot -LT Bob Walker United States Army -Codr,Graham Bethune US NAVY ...

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วันอังคารที่ 20 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

DARPA Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) program

In 2005, DARPA announced the Nano Air Vehicle (NAV) program and its goal to develop agile and flyers system that could fit in one hand. This video chronicles the development of a "hummingbird" flyer by Aerovironment from concept to prototype demonstration and introduction to the public. A number of difficult design and engineering challenges were overcome in the course of the program, particularly in the wing structure, propulsion and control actuators. Numerous complete prototypes were built and tested to assess and improve the performance of the systems shown in the video. The final prototype achieves the noteworthy milestone of 2-wing flapping hovering and fast forward flight with all power sources on the aircraft and all controls implemented through modulation of the wing strokes in a shape that resembles a real hummingbird and carries and on-board camera that relays video to the pilot in real time. For more information, please visit www.darpa.mil

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How to Teach Your Child About Checkers

My daughter was singing with her choir, so my son and had a couple of hours to waste in Denver. We went to the Denver Public Library, and of course, my son being 6, wanted to go to the Children's library. Off we went.

As we walked in he got excited and his face lit up. He saw a giant checkers set. Each piece was about the size of one of his hands. He wanted to play. Now, I hadn't played checkers with him before, but I remembered that my grandfather taught me how to play checkers at that age. So, I gave it a try.

I didn't just tell him the rules and play. He was six and didn't have that kind of patience. I told him the first two games were just practice games. We'd play together as I explained the rules to him. He was okay with this plan, and he was happy that the first two games didn't "count."

What color do you want to be? "My grandfather told me smoke comes before fire, son, so black goes first." He liked that little mnemonic and I heard him repeating it for several days. Naturally, he wanted to be black.

Move one piece one square. You can only go diagonally. I moved a piece diagonally to show him. Then I moved a piece horizontal and vertical and said "you can't move horizontal or vertical, only diagonally, and your pieces are always on the black squares."

We moved a few pieces around and then I told him that the object of the game was to capture the other guy's pieces and have the last remaining checkers on the board. He became a little more interested. I showed him how to recognize a jump and how to take a piece.

We played along for a bit and I set up a double jump for him. Before his turn, I told him how you could take a double and triple jump and asked him if there were any spots like that on the board. He found the double jump and took it.

I eventually got a piece to the other side and had him crown my new king. Then I showed him how a king could go back and forth. He was excited about that feature and decided to get some kings.

Finally, I explained to him that once he took his finger off the piece, his move was final. So, if we wasn't sure about a move, needed to keep his finger on his checker.

That was the gist of the basic rules. We then played our first real game that "counted." I hadn't talked to him a bit about strategy yet, but he started telling me things like "well, I can't move here because you'll jump me" and "if I get a lot of kings, I should be able to win."

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

TEam Fortress 2 ENGINEER - Asian gamer, what's nu?

doctor, dentist then tf2's engineer rofl engineer is boring bro click here for the flash game: www.totaljerkface.com damn old grandpa hobo. always ripping off ur limbs rofl take care yo! tomorrow AMNESIA is uploaded!

Recommend : Civil Engineer วิศวกรรมโยธา หมวดงานระบบประปาและดับเพลิง

Children At Work: Looking at Child Labor in the Victorian Age

Today, it isn't that uncommon for some children and teenagers to work. They may earn extra money by baby-sitting, doing yard work, or maybe even walking dogs. Others, once they go on to high school, may go to work in their local grocery store, malls, or food chains. However, in the Victorian Age, it wouldn't seem at all strange to see children as young as five or six, go to work full-time (sometimes sixteen hours a day!) in often dangerous conditions.

As you read, ask yourself questions. Why do you think children so young were working? What type of jobs do you do for extra money? What types of jobs did the Victorian Age children have to do? What would you do to help stop child labor? How do you think your life would be different if instead of getting an education, you had to go to work in a paper mill, or on an assembly line?

Why Did it Happen?

During the first United States Census it was reported that the number of children working in 1870, equalled nearly 750,000. This only included children under the age of fifteen, and didn't count those children who were working on their family farms, or in the family's business. The number of children working continued to increase as new technology and the Industry grew. What were some of the things that caused families to send their children to work? What about the employers that hired them?


One mother in the Victorian Age, Mrs. Smith, was quoted as saying:

"I have three children working in Wilson's mill; one 11, one 13, and the other 14. They work regular hours there. We don't complain. If they go to drop the hours, I don't know what poor people will do. We have hard work to live as it is.....My Husband is one of the same mind about it...last summer my husband was 6 weeks ill; we pledged almost all our things to live; the things are not all out of pawn yet... We complain of nothing but short wages...My children have been in the mill three years. I have no complaint to make of their being beaten...I would rather they were beaten than fined."

Another roadblock to change was that most people thought that by letting children have jobs, it would serve to help the poor families to make more money.

There were many ways that children entered the workforce. Orphaned children were often sent to a distant mill or factory owner to be fed and cared for while working to earn their keep. Others were indentured, or sold to a business owner by their parents for a certain number of years. Other, more fortunate working children lived with their families while working full-time.

Industrial Needs

While some factory owners and leaders of the industries spoke out against putting children to work so young, others hired children because they didn't have to be paid as much as adults did. Children were also hired for factory and mill jobs because many of the machines that they used were very small. Children were seen as the ideal candidates to work the machines, and to fix them when they were broken.

It's also important to remember that children were raised and treated differently in the Victorian Age. There were some employers who didn't think that there was anything wrong with hiring young children to work. They believed that by hiring these children, the children would eventually grow-up as responsible, hard workers.

However, as you will see in the next section, many of the jobs that children were hired for were often very hard, at times even dangerous.

Working for a Living

When teenagers go to work today, they can choose from many types of work. They can be cashiers, fry cooks, baby-sitters, front desk clerks, stockers or create their own lawn service. Children of the Victorian area didn't have these options.

So, what did these kids do for a living?

The most fortunate working children were hired on as apprentices for the major trades of the era. Some of these trades would include:




*Iron foundry


*Lace making


While the children were still required to work, and sometimes required to work long hours, they were at least lucky enough to be learning a profitable trade, which offered hope to them for their future.

Younger children might have started out working as street sweepers, "scavengers" or by selling newspapers. Scavengers were children who searched through trash, rubbish and refuse for items they could sell to junk stores, or even to their neighbors. Some of these items might have included pieces of rope, or metal scraps.

Still other children were put to work in more dangerous conditions.

Glass factories

Textile mills

Coal fields/mines

Cotton mills


These are only a few examples of the hard work children would face, sometimes working up to ninety hours a week!!

Sometimes the children who went to work and were often away from adult supervision would fall into criminal activity. They would wind up involved in things like gambling, stealing, and sometimes even prostitution.

Making a Difference!!

Many people worked very lard and hard to help protect children from being taken advantage of by the industries. Some key people who fought to control child labor were:

Charles Loring Brace - created the Children's Aid Society

Lewis Wikes Hine - photographer who exposed the child labor problem to the public at large

President Woodrow Wilson - created the Keating-Owen Act (see below)

Lord Ashley - created the Children's Employment Commission in 1842

Charles Dickens - wrote and spoke out against child labor. For more information, read Oliver Twist

Karl Marx - helped incite public opinion

Michael Sadler - worked on the "Ten-Hour Movement"

Organizations that were involved in gathering support from individuals and law makers to control child labor include:

"Short Time Committees"

The Children's Aid Society

The National Child Labor Committee

Progress was sometimes slow, but always encouraging. Several Factory Acts (1819-1878) were created in England, which increased the minimum age of children who were able to work. Along with the Factory Acts, there was the "Ten-Hour Movement" which limited shifts to ten hours, with a weekly limit of fifty-eight hours. Other laws in England that influenced the change of child labor laws included Lord Ashley's Children's Employment Commission (1842), which was followed by the Coal Mines Act in 1843. This Act stopped the Coal Mines from hiring women, or boys under the age of ten.

In America, activists joined together in groups and coalitions to work for labor law and reform, or change. They received a small victory in 1916, when President Woodrow Wilson created the Keating-Owen Act, which banned the interstate (between two or more states) sale of any items produced by child labor. However, this Act was later found to be unconstitutional. The real victory came in the year 1938, with the Fair Labor Standards Act. This Act created a national minimum wage and set the national working age to sixteen (eighteen if the job was dangerous). Children aged 14 and 15 were allowed to work under certain conditions and fields of work, but only after school hours.

Because of the efforts of the Victorian people and the new laws it created for the children of England and America, child labor isn't as large of a problem....for us. But child labor hasn't disappeared! According to some recent surveys and studies done by the International Labor Office, it was estimated that there are about 250,000,000 kids between five and fourteen working. Of these children, 120,000,000 are working full-time, often in dangerous conditions. Take some time to think of ways that you can help with the modern day global child labor reform!!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Kinect + Garry's Mod

A project to control characters in Valve's Source game engine using the Kinect. Uses OpenNI to process skeletal data which is sent to Lua scripts running in Garry's Mod. By John Boiles. Video edited by Patrick Dunnam. Code is available on Github at: github.com See the corresponding blog post here: engineeringblog.yelp.com

See more : Coffee Break STRUCTURALS DESIGN Civil Engineer

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Rocket Queen Appetite For Destruction Guns 'N' Roses

Copyright 1987 Geffen Taken From Wikipedia "Rocket Queen" is the last song on Appetite for Destruction, the debut album from hard rock band Guns N' Roses. I wrote this song for this girl who was gonna have a band and she was gonna call it Rocket Queen. She kinda kept me alive for a while. The last part of the song is my message to this person, or anybody else who can get something out of it. It's like there's hope and a friendship note at the end of the song. For that song there was also something I tried to work out with various people—a recorded sex act. It was somewhat spontaneous but premeditated; something I wanted to put on the record. —Axl Rose An Interview With The Gunners, Hit Parader - March 1988 A credit in the booklet for Appetite for Destruction reads "Barbi (Rocket Queen) Von Grief", implying that she was "this girl" Rose mentions in the quote. Slash states that he and Duff McKagan wrote the main riff to "Rocket Queen" when they first got together, before either of them had joined Hollywood Rose or LA Guns. It has also been said that Rose brought a woman, Adriana Smith, to the studio for recording. Steve Thompson, an engineer on the album, said the following in an interview: Axl wanted some pornographic sounds on Rocket Queen, so he brought a girl in and they had sex in the studio. We wound up recording about 30 minutes of sex noises. If you listen to the break on Rocket Queen it's in there. It was later stated in the music magazine Classic Rock, as well as ...

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Reeps One - New School Freestyle

We all know beatboxing is not all about being fast and loud - but this video is a response to the fans that have got in touch wanting just that. Not for the faint hearted. Credits: Engineer & Producer - Linden Jay Berelowitz

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 11 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

engineer is engineer

hey buddy, I 'm an engineer. That means I solve problems.

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Imagining the Tenth Dimension - Polish subtitles

Marcin Mały, who teaches English for Information Technology at the Technical University of Cracow, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Poland, is responsible for this new version of Rob Bryanton's animation with Polish subtitles. Marcin suggested this to one of his students (Slavo) as a translation exercise, and Marcin edited and supervised the results.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 8 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How I met an Alien - Out 1x08

FanPage ‪www.facebook.com Out 1x08 "How I met an Alien" CAST: Serena Fruncillo Fabrizio Oggiano Sara Fruncillo Andrea Lain Martina Perini Music by Kevin MacLeod La sigla e alcuni pezzi sono stati composti dal gruppo "La Suérte" Link PagFB: ‪www.facebook.com (Violet Gibson, Claudio Turco) Mix Engineer Sergio Melita Ficarelli and Tuma MC Scritto, montato e diretto da Fabrizio Oggiano Follow the Alien! ;)

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วันอังคารที่ 6 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Hak5 - Episode 3x07

In this episode Chris Gerling shows us a little reverse engineering with Crackmes, Darren unlocks OpenWRT on the Fon router, Will Coppola demonstrates inprotect, a nessus/nmap web frontent, and Matt fixes the Rock Band guitar once and for all. Plus HakSnacks including installation package building with Iexpress, a Rock Band drum kit for your PC, converting flash videos to mobile media formats, and browsing the Internets with calculator. Grab some pwnj00z, the next hour is designated for technolust!

See more : สมัครงานราชการ วิศวกรโยธา

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

LEGO Battleship YAMATO

It's hard work but I really enjoyed making :-) This project started when I was 15 years old, and it finished 6 years and 4 months later. Now I'm studying Material engineering in Tokyo university. I hope you will enjoy this movie! Scale: 1/40 (1/1 for minifig) Length: 6.6 meters (22 feet) Width: 1.0 meter (3 feet) Time to complete: 6 years and 4 months Parts: 200000 LEGO elements Weight: 150 kilograms (330 pounds) You can see more photos there. www.brickshelf.com www.geocities.jp

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วันเสาร์ที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

A added ecological cremation

Cremation is a Hindu tradition to liberate the soul of death. But each corpse need 300 kg of wood to be burned. An engineer has invented a funeral pyre that requires less wood. He wants to do his part to lessen global warming.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How Safe is the Lowly Go Kart? An Engineer Reveals the Inside Facts That Will Surprise You

Kids (little kids and big "kids") all find the sport of Karting to be fun and exciting, but it is really safe?

When you're going around a curve at full throttle, it seems dangerous -- that's part of what makes it fun. The danger (or perceived danger) adds to the enjoyment of driving a go kart the same as it does for a lot of other adventures -- sky diving, bungee jumping, hang gliding, etc.

But when it comes to karting is it really dangerous?

There's no shortage of stories about people getting hurt (thought usually not seriously) while racing go carts. Of course, there are a lot more accidents resulting in injuries in off-road karting than there is on go-kart tracks.

The tracks that are designed for speed put power on the tracks so the go-kart will slide as it goes around the curves. This lets you go faster and adds to the thrill, but it doesn't make it more dangerous -- it just seems dangerous.

A track is by design, very safe. You can't hit anything hard and if you have a helmet and keep your hands and fingers on the wheel, about the only thing likely to be injured is your ego when you get beat.

Racing go-karts is a sport where women really can compete against men because even thought you have to be competitive and mentally strong, you don't have to be physically strong.

Bottom line: As an engineer and someone who has enjoyed go karts for years, I can assure you it's a safe sport. So, if you're thinking about getting into karting (for yourself or your kids), forget about the dangers -- there aint' none. The fact is that IF you stay on properly designed tracks and as long as you use a little common sense, it just looks (and feels) like it's dangerous.

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The ULTIMATE Magician Scammer! - Scam School

The Ice Breaker himself - aka Rich Ferguson - is back with a card trick that even fooled Brian! COMMENT,FAVORITE and SHARE this video if you liked it! Subscribe for free! www.youtube.com Scam School Homepage revision3.com Twitter twitter.com Facebook www.facebook.com Brian Brushwood on Twitter twitter.com ABOUT SCAM SCHOOL If Harvard offered a PhD in deceit, this would be it. Award-winning magician Brian Brushwood takes viewers on an inside tour of bar tricks, street cons, and scams. If you watch carefully, you'll never have to pay for a drink again!

Tags : Tip Comp. Club Coffee Break Civil Engineer

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu - Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu Episode 29

The multi faceted VAMSY's Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu is a work of native beauty. It deals with the life style of the people of the Godavari Dists about thirty years ago and holds nostalgic memories for those who have forgotten their roots. The stories not only deal with the life of people but very subtly tell us about the political situations, the social responsibility of the Zamindars, the unpolluted and raw beauty of characters. The stories also have historical relevance as Sir Arthur Cotton"s engineering excellence is described in detail along the banks of the river Godavari. Godavari becomes a powerful character in these stories and Vamsy's pen drifts on its boats, sails on its moonlit nights, and runs rough when new waters enter and the locks are opened. The names of characters are all the real names of people who are associated with these stories. Vamsy has immortalized KARRORI SUBBULU, MARNEDI SURRAVU, BIYYAM BHAGYAM, TAMARAPALLI SATYAM and several other characters who will live for ever in our memories. Even the native dishes cooked in those days are described in a mouthwatering way. He succeeds in reminding us of the SWAPNA THEATRE in Kakinada, the VOLGA HOTEL, the SUVEGA SCOOTER, the JAALI FACE POWDER, CYBAL BALM and several other locales and things used in those days. Vamsy's stamp can be seen in the style of narration as a master in visual prose. The picturesque scenario, the green expanse, the blue sky and the rustic village belle are all seen through our mental ...

See Also : โยธาไทย

Front Tine Versus Rear Tine RotoTillers - An Engineer Explains Which RotoTiller is the Best and Why

If you're considering buying a roto-tiller, you probably already know that there are two basic types -- the rear-tine tillers and the front-tine tillers.

What's the difference and which rototiller is the best for you and your garden?

An engineer reveals the facts every gardener should know.

As the name implies, the front-tine tillers have the tines in front of the wheels and under the engine. Likewise, the rear-tine tillers are located behind the wheels.

Basically the rear-tine tillers are best for large areas or for hard clay soils. Also, the rear-tine models don't work you as hard and don't beat you to death, but they are usually more expensive.

On the other hand, the front-tine models are great for small gardens and for soft soils. Of course, any garden can be made to have reasonably soft soil IF you work enough manure and other organic matter into the soil.

For years I've used both the small, front-tine mini cultivator types and the larger, heaver (and more powerful) front-tine roto tiller. Overall, I like the more powerful models. It allows me to work faster, work in harder soil. But let me warn you, the larger models will work you like a mule.

The rear-tine rototiller models don't work you nearly as much, but as I said, they are more expensive. I love to use the rear-tine roto-tillers, but I don't like the price tag.

My conclusion: To get the most bang for your buck, spend the extra money on getting more horsepower in a front-tine model rather than buying one of the rear-tine tillers --unless you are a petite woman or are working a small garden or flowerbed.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Lecture - 26 Agile Development

Lecture Series on Software Engineering by Prof.NL Sarda, Prof. Umesh Bellur,Prof.RKJoshi and Prof.Shashi Kelkar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering ,IIT Bombay . For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Gyptian Ft. Nicki Minaj Hold Yuh (Video Parody HD)

LOL Naija boys are back with another HIT... Subscribe and follow to Naija Boy- Femi "bullet" Lawson www.youtube.com www.twitter.com Highclass Chick - LaToya Forever www.youtube.com www.twitter.com latoyaforever.com Director- Dukey Dukez http www.dukeydukez.com Engineer Shizzy Shotta http FOR BUSINESS INQUIRES CONTACT Femilawson2000@yahoo.com dukez@dukeydukez.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Amos Lee - "Windows Are Rolled Down"

Amos Lee performs "Windows Are Rolled Down" live in Studio-A. Host: Rita Houston Engineer: Daniel Hodd More exclusive content available at wfuv.org and thealternateside.org

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วันอังคารที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Social Engineering and Social Networks

Social Engineering, for those who probably are not aware of, refers to a method of divulging confidential information from people through non-technical means that will allow unauthorized access to a valued system and the information that resides on that. In a few words, this is an attack that normally serves hackers to gain access to enterprise networks or to target individuals, depending on the purpose of the attack.

The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of privacy security on the Internet and how this is related with social engineering. An example of social engineering attack involves the attacker, the victim and the information retrieval. Imagine that you post on Facebook some destinations and places that you have visited and you have described them with enthusiasm. An attacker could exploit this information so as to call you up (find your number in a catalog or even from Facebook or send an e-mail). Then the attacker asks you to give your personal information, with the excuse that you've won a money price from a lottery, made for a Hotel's customers, in which you had stayed as long as you were visiting the places you describe in your profile. Probably you might trust him and give him information about you, even your social security number or possibly your bank account. The next step is to call your bank and pretend to be you, claiming that your online account was blocked and you will need a new password. The data that the bank will require are already in attacker's disposal and the request can go on. This is an easy way to lose money and not be aware of the fact at all, at least not in the beginning.

It is one of many examples, which occur in everyday life, but most of us don't know the dangers that exist, while overexposing so many personal data. Even bigger is the risk for companies, especially if we think the increasing use of LinkedIn, which is a social network designed exclusively for professionals. Many users publish their CV and often share it with people they have never met. There are many ways an attacker can exploit such information and they can lead to a breach a company's infrastructure and jeopardize sensitive data and business continuity.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

An Engineering Demonstrator

This is a simple demonstration of a model that was constructed to explain some of the basic principles of engineering and what engineering is about, encompassing some Civil and Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering. It is actually a single leaf bascule bridge with a truss span. Some more details are avaiable at www.fun-engineering.net

Thanks To : กระทู้ล่าสุดบนฟอรั่ม Civil Engineer วิศวกรโยธา

วันเสาร์ที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

1. What Is Biomedical Engineering?

Frontiers of Biomedical Engineering (BENG 100) Professor Saltzman introduces the concepts and applications of biomedical engineering, providing an overview of the course syllabus, reading materials for lecture and labs and grading logistics. Various pictures are shown to highlight the current application of biomedical engineering technologies in daily life (eg. chest x-ray, PET scan, operating room, gene chip, transport). Next, living standards and medical technologies of the past and present are compared to point out the impact of biomedical engineering as well as areas for improvement in the field. Finally, Professor Saltzman draws references from the poem "London Bridge" to illustrate some societal issues in making materials and devices in biomedical engineering. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction 02:36 - Chapter 2. Biomedical Engineering in Everyday Life 18:43 - Chapter 3. A Brief History of Engineering 22:58 - Chapter 4. Biomedical Engineering in Disease Control 31:09 - Chapter 5. Course Overview and Logistics 39:23 - Chapter 6. Conclusion Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Spring 2008.

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Lecture 4 - Combinatioal Circuits

Lecture series on Digital Circuits & Systems by Prof. S. Srinivasan, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Madras For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันพุธที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Polyteknikkojen Kuoro - Ikuisen teekkarin laulu

The Polytech Choir or PK (in Finnish: Polyteknikkojen Kuoro) is an academic male chorus, established in 1900. The chorus is the oldest engineering student cultural association in Finland. Most of the members are students at Helsinki University of Technology or graduate engineers. "Ikuisen teekarin laulu" (in English: The song of an eternal engineering student) is sung to the heartfelt melody of the Finnish folk song "Kun minä kotoani läksin". The lyrics date back to the 1920s, when the song was always sung as the last song of a feast. This valuable tradition has revived again in the 21st century and, today, the lukkaris (song leaders at Finnish student feasts) used to insist that singing the song begins with complete silence. All the singers are standing during the last verse of the song. The Polytech Choir has recorded "Ikuisen teekkarin laulu" on their album "Bacchuskin joi". The presentation of the album can be found at www.polyteknikkojenkuoro.fi . Ikuisen teekkarin laulu Talvi-iltain tummentuessa Polin suojiin me saavumme taas. :,: Meidät tekniikka jälkeen on jättänyt, sen me tahdomme unhoittaa :,: Unelma vain on diplomityömme, joka tenttimme vanhentunut. :,: Jo ruostunut harpikko käyttämätön, tushi pulloihin jähmennyt :,: Aina teekkaripolvien uutten ohi pöytämme käyvän nään. :,: Mutta meillä ei voimaa enää kylliksi heidän joukkoonsa liittymään :,: Viini laseissa ilkkuen päilyy, meitä kutsuen kuohuillaan. :,: Pois murheemme tahdomme karkoittaa. Äly pois mitä ...

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Importance of Engineering to the World

If you walk around the streets and wonder a little about how amazing the structures and vehicles around you, you should be thankful to the thing called engineering. Believe it or not, there are many importance of engineering to the world, and here are some of them.

The first point is that engineers are given the role to create systems that are able to protect and unite the people and the environment around them. The tricky part is that this should not be done haphazardly, but with detailed planning to ensure that the system works and is sustainable, yet is not uncomfortable to live in.

Another important point of the role of an engineer is that they are educated to work with cost, time, and even the wellness of people throughout their constructions. They will need to be able to build structures that not only last, but also to ensure that it is safe and comfortable for people to use.

Apart from that, with engineers around, we do not need to live in our own dumps and wastage. Imagine taking a dump in a toilet bowl that only sat at the bottom of the land because no one had come up with an efficient toilet to sewage and plumbing system - the area would smell terrible! Hence, engineers help analyze and design ideas that allow us to live in a better and hygienic place, which also goes back to the point of safety.

The ones who created the roads are the engineers; connecting one civilization to another. It brings people closer together, like a bridge over a river. If people can live alone without companions, it might not be a problem. But in fact, no man is an island. We are kept up-to-date and are able to interact with other people because of the existence of technology in which engineers have contributed to our lives. The distance from Point A to Point B is cut short because of such contributions.

If you are interested in filling up this important role in the future, you can start by completing an Engineering degree from an accredited school. With an Engineering degree, you will meet the minimal requirements to be qualified in this field.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Edita Abdieski - Someone Tell Me

DanceMe! The Streetdance Musical 2007 SOMEONE TELL ME Music: Giuseppe Calabro & Andrew Resurreccion Lyrics: Andrew Resurreccion & Giuseppe Calabro Arranged & Produced by Giuseppe Calabro for Worldview Productions (WVP) Lead Vocals:Edita Abdieski Keyboards,drumprogramming and engineering at Worldview Studios by Giuseppe Calabro Piano: Phil Dankner Backing Vocals: Edita Abdieski, Lezeil Steglich

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Engineering Your Future - Systems Engineer

Video interviews featuring engineers from the various fields of engineering will give you a behind-the-scenes look at the work these engineers do every day. You'll learn about the challenges they face, why they find it so exciting, and what they did to prepare for their careers. This is part of the Engineering Your Future web curriculum offered by ThinkTV.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Evacuated Tube Transportation Technology - ET3 (Extended Version)

Discuss this video in detail at AlienScientist Forums: www.alienscientist.com This video discusses the step from Type 0 to Type 1 Civilization and the ET3. This is an extension of the original video that ads TWO and Half minutes of content to the ET3 video. The other material concerning the Orwell society will be reworked as its own video in order to better explain a wider perspective of the big picture. DISCLAIMER: The views of AlienScientist do not neccesarily represent the views of ET3. I knew about ETT way before I realized the seriousness of humanity's current situation I think its important to show your support for the movements out there, but don't tie yourself down to any one thing. Be YOUR OWN movement, Do YOUR OWN research, and don't just rely on what anyone (including me) says. If you think ETT is a great idea, I recommend becoming a licensee and begin joining the effort to get the idea out into the mainstream. I am a supporter of a highly efficient, high speed, global transportation system because I have seen what it has done for cities and commerce in London and New York City who's subway systems transport millions daily. I've seen what the Interstate Highway System and the Trans-Continental Railroad have done for the USA London Underground: www.youtube.com Trans-Continental Railroad (Modern Marvels): www.youtube.com Engineers have already proven they can do the "impossible" (as long as the science of what they are trying to do isn't flawed) The Science of ...

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วันพุธที่ 9 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

GovSkul is 1984 on training auto - INFOWARS.COM, The acknowledgment to 1984 is 1776

entry for INFOWARS.COM, The answer to 1984 is 1776 contest This video examines the similarities between 1984 and our society - in particular the way children are conditioned in the novel and in government schools of today. I argue that with each successive generation, the tolerance of police state tactics increases because the children are trained from an early age to accept encroachment on their Freedom and Dignity. Most people feel that our schools are failing our children in some way - that they can attend for many years and not learn the fundamentals that provide a foundation for them to continue their education in college or in work. I believe the government schools are doing EXACTLY what they were designed to do - control the population by getting the children at a young age and teaching them to trust the government as a benevolent dictator. This has been the stated goal of every utopian social engineer from Plato to Rousseau. It was the stated goal of the founders of the American government school system - Horace Mann and John Dewey. BF Skinner took population control to new levels with his writings - particularly "Beyond Freedom and Dignity". Like the other social planners, he desired to destroy the family and replace it with government. He also wanted to dethrone God and replace him with the government as god. Skinner's novel "Walden Two" was written the same year as Orwell's 1984. Skinner imagines a totalitarian utopia in stark contrast to Orwell totalitarian ...

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วันอังคารที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Electrical Engineering Online

It is possible to earn certification or an advanced degree in Electrical Engineering from an online school or distance learning program. Through Internet studies, individuals can earn 100 percent of the credits needed to begin an exciting career as an Electrical Engineering (also known as an Electronics Engineer).

The minimum educational requirement for a professional Electrical Engineer is a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical or Electronics Engineering. Many engineers opt to continue their post-graduate studies to keep up with technological advances, and to qualify for jobs with more prestige and earning power. A Master's degree in Electrical Engineering is the gold standard, and highly preferred by employers.

Online schools of Electrical Engineering teach students to test and troubleshoot electrical equipment, design electrical products, work on quality control, install and maintain electrical equipment, and much more. Students can learn at their own pace, in their own environment, about industrial systems, engineering mechanics, pulse and logic circuits, and how to take a project from a technical drawing to the production line.

Salaries for Electrical Engineers can vary depending on the level of education, job location, and experience. Electrical and Electronics Engineers with little or no experience can earn from $30-36,000 per year. Experienced Electrical Engineers can expect an annual salary of $60,000 or more.

If you would like to learn more about a challenging and rewarding education in Electrical Engineering, take a moment today to research online colleges, universities and distance learning programs at SchoolsGalore.com

Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved
Michael Bustamante, in association with Media Positive Communications, Inc. for SchoolsGalore.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 7 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Photons to Bits and Beyond: The Science & Technology of Digital

The Yale School of Engineering & Applied Science presents the 2011 Victor M. Tyler Distinguished Lectureship in Engineering with Eric Fossum, Professor of Engineering in Dartmouth's Thayer School and a consultant to Samsung Electronics' Semiconductor R&D Center. Dr. Fossum, who earned a PhD in electrical engineering from Yale in 1984, is one of the world's leading solid-state image sensor device physicists, best known for inventing the CMOS image sensor. His "camera-on-a-chip" technology is used in nearly all camera phones and webcams, digital-still cameras, high-speed motion capture cameras, automotive cameras, dental x-ray cameras, and swallowable pill cameras. An entrepreneur as well as inventor, Fossum's transfer of his own IP portfolio to industry has yielded one of Caltech's greatest licensing revenue streams, and he has served as CEO of two successful high-tech companies. His work was included on Reuters' list of "Baby Boomer Inventions that Changed the World," and Forbes calls him an inventor who has "changed your life."

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วันเสาร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Where Are the Engineering Jobs?

The engineering professions have been hard hit by the recession; especially Civil Engineering. You have probably noticed that there are not many job postings for engineers. In small pockets of the country are starting to seek out your expertise.

Researching some of the top engineering job posting sites on the internet, one can quickly see that the number of job postings has been drastically reduced compared to several years ago. Many States like my home State of Nevada job postings for engineers are few, while other States like California and Texas there are quite a few more.

Which of the 5 geographical areas in the United would fair better; Northwest, Mid-west, Northeast, Southeast, or Southwest? In order to answer this question, we decided to look at several of the main online job listing sites, and categorize the listings as follows: the number of civil engineering job postings, number jobs in geographical areas, and the states with the highest number of job postings.

After reviewing several sites a pattern emerged that was a little surprising. The initial results showed that the number of listings were extremely low. States with zero or extremely low number of listings were Rhode Island and South Dakota. Several States would only show one or two listings like Delaware, Kentucky, North Dakota, and West Virginia.

The southwest region in every website we visited had the highest number of postings. In each analysis California's and Texas's high job postings carried the southwest region to the lead.

1. Southwest Region - All of the websites surveyed showed that this region had the highest number of job postings for Civil Engineers. The job postings in California and Texas were about seventy percent of the region's total number.

2. Southeast Region - The number of job postings were not far behind the southwest region. The number of job postings seemed to be a little more spread across the States in this region. Florida, Virginia, and Washington DC area typically had the highest number of postings.

3. Northeast Region - The states of New Jersey, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania typical had the highest number of posts in this region, but Rhode Island and Vermont were usually the lowest.

4. Mid West Region - This region consist of the most States, but had very low job listing numbers for each State. The exceptions were Illinois and Ohio with about 50% of the postings combined.

5. Northwest Region - This region showed the lowest number of job postings on all of the websites we reviewed. With about 70% of the available positions the State of Washington had the highest number of postings in this region.

It should be noted that the States with the highest listing were also States with large populations. In that sense the higher listings is right in line with what would be expected. If the numbers were adjusted with taking into account the State's population a different result have occurred. At any rate the overall numbers were very low. The site with the largest number of listings for Civil Engineers only had 1,147 posts.

Another result that we like to analyze is how many Civil Engineers are unemployed right now. The same type of analysis can be preformed by looking at how many engineers are unemployed in each state, and region. Perhaps in a future article we can address this matter.

What can you take away from this survey mean? The country is still trying to recover from the recession, and from what we can gather from our review many engineering companies are not hiring. California, Florida, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas or the Washington DC area are probably the best areas right now to find employment. Due to the low job posting numbers on the websites, obtaining employment in any other State would be extremely difficult.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

★ Battlefield 3 - Beta Gameplay - Welcome to France, ft. SideStrafe! - WAY➚

See the *full* show! ★ Battlefield-3-show.tgn.tv ★ WAY➚ Battlefield 3 beta gameplay - Welcome to France, ft. SideStrafe! What is WAY? - See http Join the conversation at tgn.tv Finally the moment you've been waiting for! SideStrafe brings you actual Battlefield 3 beta game play with commentary! It's 40 minutes of heart pounding action combined with the quality HD you deserve! Comment, like, and subscribe for more! Don't forget to check out wildcards.tv and http Tell us what you think in the comments below. Click "Like" and "Add to... Favorites" if you like this video! =-=-=-= ★ TGN Social tgn.tv ★ What is TGN? http ★ TGN Times news.tgn.tv ★ TGN on Facebook http ★ TGN on Twitter twitter.com ★ We Are YouTube -- WAY! way.tgn.tv

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วันพุธที่ 2 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

วันจันทร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

What You Need to Know About a Career As a Network Engineer

Network engineering is a process in which an independent contractor or company will determine the internetworking requirements for switched networks and then develop and implement the hardware or software in order to meet the needs of the system's users. Network engineers are the spines of the computer infrastructure for any business. The larger businesses have the ability to employ several network engineers whereas other smaller businesses often hire a consultant who is summoned only when the network has problems or needs an update.

In order to join the team of network engineers, you must have the necessary skills as well as a love of computers. As with any other career, you also need to follow certain steps in order to accomplish your goal. These are the top five requirements needed to become a network engineer.

1. While you're in college, take another computer related field. Although it's called network engineering you don't need an engineering degree. You also have the option of studying a totally different major or minor than information technology (IT).

2. While in school, try and hook a job in the campus IT office. Some colleges hire students as IT support techs that work in the dorm and classroom environments. The job usually counts as part of your computer studies and it is a great opportunity to build up your resume.

3. Learn how all different types of operating systems work. This is important because there are many businesses that use different systems for their computers and company laptops as well. Make sure to familiarize yourself with all of them, otherwise you will not be the broad-based network engineer that companies will hire.

4. If you get an internship, try and pick a company that specifically has an IT department or is an IT consulting firm. There are a lot more students majoring in the computer-related industries these days. That's why the experience you acquire needs to be a cut above the rest.

5. Communication is a key element in a networking engineer's career. Therefore, if this is the profession that you choose, you will often be working with others that are not as tech savvy as you will be. You need to be able to speak your special lingo in laymen's terms. If you have a problem with communication, perhaps taking a communications skills class can help you improve.

There are the chosen few that have had the ability to become engineers without a college degree. These individuals have been able to use their innate computer knowledge to gain some success in the field. However, are usually in the minority of network engineers because many who study on their own will lack other essential skills needed for this profession. Employers looking to hire a network engineer will most likely go for the one who holds the degree. They want to hire an engineer that will be able to adapt to many different scenarios and handle various issues that might arise. Network engineers that hold degrees have the upper hand because they know how to tackle any situation due to their advanced training.

It is always best to take it a step further after getting a degree in computer science or IT. There are important certifications to obtain that prove your knowledge of the important hardware and software used by network engineers. These certifications are named after the companies that make the equipment and/or the software, such as Cisco, Microsoft, Novell and Oracle. Cisco certifications are the most numerous, and most important. Of all of them, the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) is the "expert level" certification, and is held by fewer than three network engineers in a hundred.

Be prepared to work long hours and shifts that might start in the evenings. Businesses usually want all of the network maintenance completed at night in order to avoid disruption during normal business hours. There will also be many tasks that you will perform such as:

- managing anti-spam and viral protection;
- monitoring usage of the network;
- suggesting and providing IT solutions for business and management issues;
- installing, maintaining and supporting existing and new server and hardware/software infrastructure;
- ensuring that all of the IT equipment being used is in compliance with the industries' standards;
- using the most cost-efficient and -effective ways to use the servers;
- setting up passwords, user accounts and permissions;
- monitoring the way in which employees use the web;
- providing training to other users with varying levels of IT knowledge;
- working closely with other departments and IT staff members; and
- keeping all internal networks up and running.

Although there are many tasks to handle when you're a network engineer, the opportunity to take a love and knowledge of computers and expand it into a fulfilling career can be a life-changing experience. If you use the tools available to you, there is no reason that you can't obtain a degree, some industry certifications or both in this fast-growing field.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Quality Time with Hutch - Jungle CTF vs Pure Talent Gaming (#1)

www.youtube.com Click here to watch the previous episode of Quality Time with Hutch! Quality Time with Hutch - Jungle CTF vs Pure Talent Gaming (#1) This is a ranked GB (not MLG Variant) match with one of the most highly decorated teams in GB ladder history. Gooooood times! Hutch's Channel - ?www.youtube.com Hutch's Twitter - ?www.twitter.com Hutch's Facebook - ?www.facebook.com In this episode, you will learn: How to make callouts in Black Ops How to play as a team How to play CTF - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Respawn on Facebook! facebook.com Enlist in the Respawn Army! therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: hutch theimightyhutch hutchisy0daddy xbox 360 "xbox360" "playstation 3" ps3 PC personal computer objective wheel medic engineer soldier operator hack hacking Quality Time With Hutch Machinima Respawn FPS first person shooter competitive pub gun game gameplay dual commentary mouse keyboard controller improved accuracy hollywood sark seananners console port optimization the dead pixel lockey fassino round table discussion video podcast

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วันศุกร์ที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Civil Engineers

CollegeGrad.com - Career Videos, Civil Engineers. Civil Engineers design roads, bridges, tunnels, dams and airports. They combine the knowledge of material science, engineering, economics, physics, geology, and hydraulics to create the physical infrastructure essential to modern life.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Lecture - 18 Cache Organization

Lecture Series on Computer Organization by Prof. S. Raman, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. For more details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Lecture 3 - Digital Systems

Lecture Series on Digital Signal Processing by Prof.S. C Dutta Roy, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi. For More details on NPTEL visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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วันศุกร์ที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Brink - First Reactions and Impressions | Quick Review Look | Shibby2142 Gameplay Commentary

This is a first look video of a new game called BRINK that was released on 5/10/2011 at midnight. This is one of my first rounds that I played online with a friend and other players. I believe the other team was bots but everyone was so new to the game that we could not tell, ha. Anyways this is not a review, just a preview video of other videos to come. I will have an official review out later once I can explore the game to its fullest. Thanks for watching and please check out my channel if you have time! ~~~ Twitter - twitter.com Facebook - www.facebook.com Steam Group - steamcommunity.com TF2 Server IP - ~~~ Donations are appreciated - goo.gl ~~~

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วันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Modern Warfare 2: Muzzafuzza's Clutching and You 17-3 SnD Estate (MW2 Gameplay/Commentary)

www.youtube.com Click this to watch Muzzafuzzas 5 BFBC2 Engineer Tips Modern Warfare 2: Muzzafuzza's Clutching and You 17-3 SnD Estate (MW2 Gameplay/Commentary) In this video, Muzza teaches you some tips on how to improve your clutch and shows how not to choke under pressure. Highlights include a 1v3 clutch and a 5-man Ace! If you like these kinds of videos, subscribe to his channel below! DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: yt:quality=high Call of Duty Modern Warfare [2] MW2 UPC 47875333376 047875837492 0047875333376 PS3 XBox 360 XBox360 X360 PC MPN 83747 Infinity Ward Activision Duty 6 CoD MW two Muzzafuzza Muzza Fuzza Gaming Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 MW2 Tips Tricks Search and Destroy Clutch Ace Estate

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วันอังคารที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Engineering an Empire - The Persians - Part 1of5

The Persian Empire was one of the most mysterious civilizations in the ancient world. Persia became an empire under the Cyrus the Great, who created a policy of religious and cultural tolerance that became the hallmark of Persian rule. Engineering feats include an innovative system of water management; a cross-continent paved roadway stretching 1500 miles; a canal linking the Nile to the Red Sea; and the creation of one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Mausoleum of Maussollos. The rivalry between Persia and Athens led to a 30-year war known as the Persian Wars, the outcome of which helped create the world we live in today. Peter Weller hosts.

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วันอังคารที่ 11 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Modern Marvels: Engineering Disasters 22

Modern Marvels Engineering Disasters 22 * Deepwater Horizon oil spill * US Airways Flight 1549 (Miracle in the Hudson) * Incidents on the Washington Metro * Southwest Industrial Gases Fire

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