วันอังคารที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Past Lives - Scientific Evidence

Edgar Casey, known as the most prolific prophet of our time, was the first to bring past lives to light in the 20th Century. His many readings are archived at the Association for Research and Enlightenment center in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

A convincing form of confirmation that we live more than one life is demonstrated by those who have experienced past lives as a result of spontaneous memory or hypnotic regressions. The details are documented in many countries, and the authenticity of many of these examples cannot be disputed or an alternative explanation offered.

Established by Hazel Denning, PhD, 1980, IARRT, the International Association for Regression Research & Therapies Inc., (formerly - Association for Pastlife Regression Therapies) is the first professional organization for regression practitioners. IARRT provides education and research in past life regression and metaphysical healing.

The scientific community more often than not refutes the proof of past lives. However, there are many scientific examples, some of them highly convincing. In a case reported by Dr. Morris Netherton an eleven-year-old boy, who when under hypnosis was taped speaking in an ancient Chinese dialect. This astonishing taped regression was taken to a Professor at the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of California, where it was found to be a recitation from a forbidden religion of ancient China. (Fisher 1986:202.)

In the past ten years, multiple independently researched reincarnation cases have emerged, which reveal that from lifetime to lifetime, people have the same facial features, personality traits, passions and even linguistic writing style. The most compelling cases involve those in which children have spontaneous memories of a past lifetime that can be factually verified. The case of James Leininger, aired on ABC Primetime in 2005, and the case of Anne Frank/Barbro Karlen, are examples. See reference below.

Walter Semkiw, MD the author of Return of the Revolutionaries: The Case for Reincarnation and Soul Groups Reunited and Born Again independently researched reincarnation cases that demonstrate objective evidence of reincarnation, including the cases of neurosurgeon Norm Shealy, Police Captain Robert Snow, Asst. Fire Chief Jeff Keene, and William Barnes.

The case of Robert Snow, a Captain in the Indianapolis Police Department, in charge of the Homicide Division, was initiated on a dare by a fellow police officer. Captain Snow, in his book, Looking for Carroll Beckwith, relates that he only did a regression so that it didn't look like he had "welshed on the dare." Captain Snow did not believe in reincarnation and did not expect to have a meaningful experience. After his regression, Captain Snow researched Beckwith's life by studying an extensive diary found in Beckwith's belongs. Of the 28 specific memories Snow documented from the regression, such as the painting of a hunchback woman, 26 were verified through his research. Though initially reluctant to accept reincarnation as the basis for his regression experience, Captain Snow finally came to the conclusion that he was Carroll Beckwith in a prior lifetime. Snow states that the evidence he compiled would stand up in a court case and that no plea-bargaining would be offered if it were a murder case.

Past lives can also be derived from spontaneous memories and confirmed in past life regressions.

William Barnes, author of Thomas Andrews, Voyage into History, started having spontaneous past life memories when he was a child. Thomas Andrews, Voyage into History, is the story of Tommie Andrews, Titanic's designer. Barnes' motivation for writing this book is, in part, to clear Tommie's name of any wrongdoing in the context of Titanic's sinking and to document his vivid memory of this life time. In a recorded regression into the life of Thomas Andrews, Barnes spoke with a heavy Irish accent as he describes the ordeal of Titanic's sinking and relives his death on the deck of the great ship.

Jenny Cockell had memories of living in Ireland. She remembered facts about her previous life, such as the name of her eight children. As a child Cockell drew a picture of a church and a map of her previous life's childhood town, with an accurate description of her house etc. The impact of these memories disturbed her day-to-day functioning to the degree she consulted a hypnotherapist. After many past life regressions and armed with a list of several items-including two oval-shaped photos, one of her as a child and the other of a soldier she want back to the town where she lived in her previous life. She not only found the house with a rabbit hutch in the back (now in disrepair) where she died at a young age, leaving her eight children motherless, she found and met seven of her living adult children from that life time. Her oldest child, a son, although reluctant to meet with her eventually agreed. Together they compared memories-only one item on Jenny's list of memories remained unsubstantiated by him. The ABC TV program 20/20 documented the reunion including a birthday party with her oldest child of her previous life.

The most profound researched proof of past live connections is documented by National Geographic DNA journey. You can explore your own genetic journey with Dr. Spencer Wells, Deep Ancestry: Inside the Genographic Project. DNA analysis includes a depiction of your ancient ancestors and an interactive map tracing your genetic lineage around the world and through the ages.

Diba Ayten Yilmaz, Past Life Regression Therapist, Turkey wrote. "One of my clients is a 39 years old woman, who is a computer engineer in IBM Turkey. At the first meeting she mentioned that she had felt an attraction to Russia since childhood. She found herself as a woman in Russia in the first Past Life Regression Therapy session. She sent her DNA sample to Genographic Project of National Geographic. The results showed that her origin goes to Russia! In the second regression session she found herself as a young woman in a small village, which she called Lappland. She had been killed by German soldiers along with the entire village.

After the session both women wanted to know if Lappland existed and if so, where. They searched the Internet and saw that there was an area called Lappland in Sweden. The second question was about the German soldiers. Yes, the German soldiers had killed all the people in the small village of Lappland in the late period of World War II.

The amazing thing is; after the session she checked her Genographic results again on National Geographic. The NG follows and updates the DNA journey results and saw that her DNA has a connection to Lappland!

If you want to see her DNA results I can send it to you. You can check your DNA results on NG or do you know someone who has checked?"



International Association for Regression Research and Therapies
National Geographic - Genographic Project https://genographic.nationalgeographic.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

- Pensado's Place - #25 - Engineer abaft 5150 studios, George Saer

In the 25th episode of Pensado's Place, the engineer behind 5150 studios, George Saer, joins Dave to talk about his career and share insights about working with Eddie Van Halen. But before that, this week's "Into The Lair" is a continuation of last week's, where Dave explains how he starts to build a mix. Later on, prior guest and GRAMMY award winning engineer Dylan Dresdow skypes in from papervustudios.com to join Dave in the "Batter's Box".

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Listening Strategies

We spend our lives being taught how to read, how to write, and how to speak. We generally have very little training on how to listen. This is big problem since listening is a top-level skill in a world where the spoken word is so important.

To understand the skills involved with listening, we need first to understand that our minds provide us with 128 bandwidth window to the universe. Any information from the outside world must enter through this window. The problem is that part of that bandwidth is used up with process functions things like I'm hot, I'm cold, I'm hungry, I need to go to the restroom. Do you remember how hard it is to pay attention to someone when you have to go to the restroom really bad?

The remaining bandwidth is used up with all of your other senses. What you see, what you smell, what you feel with your fingers. The practice of good listening involves moving these other senses to a subordinate mind function so that they are out of the way of incoming sound.

Good listening is not a simple function, though it is instinctual. Our ancestors on the savannah millions of years ago relied on listening skills to survive. This began to change as language functions developed. The change was specific to what was being listened for: movement in the brush or fundamental language components or both. When you consider that language components also include the evaluation of emotion, the complexity of listening becomes evident. It is no longer just what is said, but how it is said.

The importance of contextual information, such as emotion, can be seen in the modern day court room. Lawyers and judges are relying more and more on reading court room transcripts to evaluate what was said and make life changing decisions. The problem is manifested in what is lost in a transcript. A transcript cannot tell you anything about tone of voice, voice inflection or emotion. To understand this problem, consider how many ways that you can say the words "shut up" and how the meaning changes with how you say it.

Listening involves several sub processes. There is the physical aspect of hearing, which is a physical process of sound waves hitting the ear drum. Listening also involves the processing of language and critically analyzing the received information. Lastly it involves formulating action. This can be a verbal response or maybe even a mechanical response such as "fight or flight".

There are four basic listening strategies. These are "not listening", "listening for reinforcement", "listening with the intent to reply" and "listening with the intent to understand".

The first skill is "not listening". Not listening is the process of tuning out sound coming into your brain. This is the most used listening strategy in humans. It involves tuning out one noise source in favor of another. An example might be listening to someone speak while sitting in the food court of your local shopping mall. You are selectively tuning out the noise coming from other people around you in order to selectively hear the voice of the person that you are communicating with. This is an important strategy as you can tell, but some people do not have the ability to tune out the noise in their surroundings. This obviously makes it very difficult for them to understand what is being said to them.

The next tragedy is listening for reinforcement. This involves listening with little to no critical analysis. This is how you listen when you are being told what you want to hear. An example might be listening to political opinion or spin makers. Sometimes this is a listening strategy we apply when we are sitting in church. Its overriding characteristic is the lack of critical analysis. In other words, this strategy's weakness is it failure to challenge the information that is coming into your brain in order to interpret its correctness or truthfulness. Does this sound familiar in our culture?

The third listening strategy is listening with the intent to reply. This is how you listen when you are emotional or in an interesting discussion. We utilize this strategy anytime we feel that what we want to say is more important than what anybody around is saying. An example of this type of listening skill would be a situation where you are arguing or you are listening defensively. You wind up subordinating the words of the people speaking to you in favor of the words you are formulating in your mind. The critical analysis applied here is not applied to the words you hear. It is applied instead to the words you want to say. This makes it very difficult to accurately get the other person's meaning. Have you heard a person ask a question and receive an answer to a completely different question? If so, you witnessed someone listening with intent to reply instead of with the intent to understand.

The fourth listening strategy is listening with the intent to understand. Specifically, this is listening with the intent to understand more than the spoken words. This is how you listen when you watch television. Visualize how you feel when you are watching a program you are interested in on television and right at the moment that you are paying the most attention someone comes in and begins to speak to you. How does that make you feel? It probably makes you feel uncomfortable, stressed and maybe even angry.

This listening strategy involves listening between the words for meaning, truthfulness and motive. When using this strategy you are able to critically analyze the information coming into your mind. This allows you to get the speakers story, to fully understand their angle, their motivation and what their true needs and wants might be. In consultative sales, this type of listening is critical. You have to understand what the shopper needs, what they are afraid of, and what their potential objections are. Without this information, the sales person is not likely to close the sale.

The point to this discussion is this. Just like our ancestors on the savannah needed good listening skills to survive, we too must have good listen skills to survive. The specific strategy may have changed over the past millions of years, but the results of poor listening have not. Our ancestors might get killed by a predator if the listened poorly, we on the other hand will be used up by lies, missed opportunities and a general failure to recognize the predators in our culture.

I cannot finish this discussion without giving you a way to improve your listening skills. Here is a practice strategy that works for me. I practice evaluating what listening strategy I am using anytime I am involved in communication with another human being. Once determined, I will consciously switch to listening with the intent to understand. The idea is to understand the person speaking to me at a deeper level than they understand me. That places me in a more informed and powerful position than the other person. It also means that I am in a better position to help that person, explain my opinion or defend myself from that person.

One last point. Do not misunderstand my motivation in writing this piece. The object is not to become a person who uses words to subvert others, to become a predator. Instead it comes from my desire to make a contribution to the culture in which I live. Imagine how quiet it would get if everyone began listening with the intent to understand.

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วันพุธที่ 22 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Black box: Inside a flight abstracts recorder

Bill opens up a vintage "black box" from a Delta airlines jetliner. He describes how the box withstands high temperatures and crash velocities because it is made from Inconel: A superalloy steels that is used in furnaces and others extreme environments. The flight data recorder he shows is a Sundstrand FA-542 and was likely used on a DC-9 in the 1970s, although it could have been used as late as 1988 on a Boeing 727.

Recommend : Civil Engineering

Stud Spacing and Wall Framing

Remodeling and building homes over the years I have seen all sorts of stud spacing measurements in bearing and non-bearing walls.

How far should we space a framing stud in a bearing wall?

Most plans will give you this information. If you have a structural shear wall the plans will tell you what size of lumber to use at the plywood breaks. The normal spacing on a bearing wall will be 16 inches on center unless otherwise noted on the building plans. This is the most common spacing for studs in a wall.

How far can we space framing studs in a nonbearing wall?

I have seen studs spaced as far as 24 inches on center in a nonbearing wall. Over the years looking at the building code books I have found this to be acceptable for most framing applications. Do not confuse a nonbearing walls with a structural shear walls because there is no weight sitting on the shear wall.

Interior structural shear walls will require 16 inch on center spacing or less depending on the structural engineer and your local building department.

What are the disadvantages of spacing the studs 24 inches on center?

Using half-inch drywall with 24 inch on center stud spacing can give the wall a week or spongy feel. I have been in houses that have 24 inch on center's stud spacing and can actually push the wall and see it move. Using 5/8 drywall will solve this problem in your walls.

What are the advantages of spacing the studs 24 inches on center?

The only advantage in spacing the studs farther apart is the fact you will be able to save a few dollars on the overall cost of building or remodeling your house. I personally do not recommend this process because the savings is minuscule compared to the overall cost of building the entire house.

If you look on a measuring tape between 19 and 20 inches you will usually find a little diamond. This little diamond is another measurement for laying out eight-foot walls or floors. So instead of using 16 inch on center layout you can use 19 1/4 for stud spacing. This will save you an additional stud in your wall or floor joist every 8 feet.

I have been writing more articles on home construction problems trying to help contractors and homeowners build safer stronger houses.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Ancient Aliens - HD - {s03e06} Aliens and Ancient Engineers - Full Length division 3 adventure 6

Next Episode: www.youtube.com Might the tools and technology of ancient builders have come from distant galaxies? Evidence suggests that an ancient mountaintop fortress in Peru was constructed with laser-like tools... temples at Vijayanagara India were built to harness cosmic energy... and an acoustic chamber in Malta enabled interplanetary communication. If the ancient builders did use advanced technology, could it prove that aliens visited Earth thousands of years ago? ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪ Playlist: www.youtube.com (Contain all videos for season 3) History Channel -- Ancient Aliens -- Aliens and Ancient Engineers 720p HD HQ Season 3 Episode 6 September 1, 2011 www.history.com ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪ ancient aliens season 3 episode 6 full ancient aliens s03e06

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วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

How to Remove Iron From Drinking Water the Easiest Way

One of the most common water quality problems is how to remove iron from drinking water. Too much iron in water makes a metallic taste as well as making food turn black during cooking. So too much iron in water makes for nasty tasting water as well as making some bad looking food too. There are health risks with iron in water too.

One of the health problems is some people have a genetic tendency to store iron in the body. This means iron accumulates over time and can be the start of a whole range of health issues. Also excessive manganese, another mineral, is often present in high iron water. That can cause some other health problems too.

Getting the iron out may require different processes depending on the amount of iron and the type of water. Sometimes use of chemicals is required to help in the elimination of the iron. Then a filter system can get at the chemicals to purify the water.

Many times getting the iron out is fairly easy. Sometimes all you may need is a whole house water filtration system that just includes a special cartridge made to get out the iron. That's the simplest solution if a special filter will work.

You can often remove iron from drinking water with a special cartridge that's part of home water filtration systems. Especially reverse osmosis water filter systems can include a special filter that reduces iron. That one filter may be enough to produce good tasting water with reduced iron content.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu - Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu Episode 64

The multi faceted VAMSY's Maa Pasalapudi Kathalu is a work of native beauty. It deals with the life style of the people of the Godavari Dists about thirty years ago and holds nostalgic memories for those who have forgotten their roots. The stories not only deal with the life of people but very subtly tell us about the political situations, the social responsibility of the Zamindars, the unpolluted and raw beauty of characters. The stories also have historical relevance as Sir Arthur Cotton"s engineering excellence is described in detail along the banks of the river Godavari. Godavari becomes a powerful character in these stories and Vamsy's pen drifts on its boats, sails on its moonlit nights, and runs rough when new waters enter and the locks are opened. The names of characters are all the real names of people who are associated with these stories. Vamsy has immortalized KARRORI SUBBULU, MARNEDI SURRAVU, BIYYAM BHAGYAM, TAMARAPALLI SATYAM and several other characters who will live for ever in our memories. Even the native dishes cooked in those days are described in a mouthwatering way. He succeeds in reminding us of the SWAPNA THEATRE in Kakinada, the VOLGA HOTEL, the SUVEGA SCOOTER, the JAALI FACE POWDER, CYBAL BALM and several other locales and things used in those days. Vamsy's stamp can be seen in the style of narration as a master in visual prose. The picturesque scenario, the green expanse, the blue sky and the rustic village belle are all seen through our mental ...

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วันพุธที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

TF2 - HOW UC DAMAGE? EP7 "Machina Sniper & Urine" (Team Fortress 2 Gameplay Com)

Join me on STEAM | steamcommunity.com Follow me on TWITTER! | twitter.com Like me on FACEBOOK | facebook.com Watch me on LIVE STREAM | twitch.tv Add me on GOOGLE+ | goo.gl Subscribe to me on YOUTUBE | youtube.com Be a supporter by donating! | goo.gl Thanks for watching and checking out the links above! Feel free to rate and comment on the video that really helps me out. Don't hesitate to subscribe for more or sharing this video link with a friend. Thank you for making me part of your day, I appreciate you spending your free time with me. Hopefully I will see you next time!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Don't Be a Sucker - 1947

In this anti-fascist film produced by US Military in the wake of WWII, the producers deconstructs the politically motivated social engineering of Germany by the Nazi regime. Its argument is just as timely and relevant today. See more at: www.weirdovideo.com

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Engineering Apprenticeships

What's it about?

Few apprenticeships offer as many diverse pathways as the engineering apprenticeship - you could be demolishing buildings, servicing stairlifts, checking a RAF aircraft or activating phonelines- and that's just the start of a long list of opportunities!

General Engineering, Engineering Construction and Engineering Technology are all apprenticeship options in this sector.

General Engineering is a hugely diverse field, and can be divided into seven sub-categories: aerospace, automotive, metals, electrical equipment, electronics, marine maintenance, and mechanical engineering. This Apprenticeship covers a range of job roles in these sub-sectors.

As an apprentice in Engineering Construction, you could be using computer-aided design (CAD) programs to plan new projects; cutting and welding together pipework; erecting steel columns and beams to form a building's framework; installing and servicing equipment in factories; maintaining pipelines and pumps; or inspecting machinery and newly installed systems.

And for those brain boxes who have completed an advanced apprenticeship in engineering, they can undergo an apprenticeship in Engineering Technology. This higher apprenticeship can be applied across a range of sectors, from aerospace and automotive to electrical and electronics.

If this industry excites you, then what you waiting for! 'Weld' your thoughts together and apply for an apprenticeship in engineering!

Who's it for?

Engineering is all about being able to understand why something isn't working, and how to make it work- so you need a good understanding of engineering principles and knowledge on how technology works with a good head for figures.

You've got to understand health and safety risks and take suitable precaution. And during your engineering apprenticeship you'll most likely be working with others, so you need to be able to work in a team as well as having the capacity to work on your own- once you've qualified.

What do I get out of it?

You will learn the basics in a safe training environment and develop useful skills by working on the job with engineers who know exactly what they are doing. You will gain a qualification that employers recognise and proves what you can do. This means potential employers respect the qualifications gained from this apprenticeship and they would have no quarrels in offering you a job once qualified!

Depending on your programme, you may also study one day a week at college for a qualification that backs up your practical skills with theory. Alongside that, you will develop other skills that employers look for such as how to communicate, work with other people and use IT.

The  basic frameworks (in England and Wales) an apprenticeship in engineering follows is; NVQ(s), Key Skills, Technical Certificate(s), Practical Performance Assessment and Employment rights and responsibilities work. While in Scotland the framework consists of SVQ and Core Skills.

Depending on which apprenticeship you start, you can expect slightly different starting salary- from £12k to £19k with those following a career in Engineering Technology expected to start at the top end of that estimate.

You can be repairing and designing with the best of them in no time!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

UFOTV News - Bad Seed - The Dangerous Truth About Our Foods

This documentary exposes a vast conspiracy to contaminate and control the world's food supply through genetic engineering of food crops. Leading scientists and activists present the facts that you need to know about genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Eighty percent of food sold in North America already has ingredients made of GMOs that have not been adequately tested for safety. See the complete film now available on DVD at www.UFOTV.com. Search for #K596 Genetically Modified Food and #U652 Bad Seed. Both films are now available on DVD at www.UFOTV.com. UFOTV, all rights reserved.

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วันพุธที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Panic Over The Pacific Part 1 - Air Crash Investigation/Mayday

China Airlines Flight 006 encounters turbulence while flying to Los Angeles. The No. 4 engine flames out and the crew tries to restart the engine at too high an altitude. The aircraft banks slowly to the right but the crew do not notice the autopilot can no longer hold the aircraft straight and level. The captain disconnects the autopilot and immediately loses control, sending the aircraft into a spiralling nosedive. The Flight Engineer mistakes readings on the gauges for total engine failures on all engines rather than the Captain setting the throttles to idle. The extreme forces rip the undercarriage doors off and parts of the horizontal stabilizers rip off as well. The Boeing 747SP clears the clouds and the pilot can once again see the horizon. The crew recover the aircraft from the dive and the it lands safely at San Francisco despite control problems associated with the tailplane damage. Two people are hurt, but everyone is alive.

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วันอังคารที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

KLR 650 Doohickey Upgrade

Tools you'll need: 8 mm socket with small ratchet 10 mm socket with medium ratchet 10 mm wrench 19 mm socket 18 inch or longer breaker bar Rotor holder wrench Torque wrench (5 to 130 ft * lbs) Online directions that I used are here: www.leftcoastklrs.com www.leftcoastklrs.com I got all the parts for this job from Eagle Manufacturing & Engineering: eagle-me.com I drained the oil to replace the doohickey. I can't say from firsthand experience if this is the easiest or best way. This was my first time dooing the doo. I've put about 1000 miles on the bike since with no problems. I'd call it a successful installation. Instructon will be succint due to text limitations. Remove the skid plate (three 10 mm bolts (2008: four 10 mm bolts). Remove the shift lever (one 10 mm bolt. Use the wrench). Remove the counter sprocket cover (three 10 mm bolts). If you drained the oil, PUT THE OIL PLUG BACK AND TORQUE IT TO 17 (2008: 21) FT * LBS NOW! Gently unplug the green neutral wire and wiggle the wire out of the channel forward of the front sprocket. It will help if you get the wires free of the clip behind where the sprocket cover was. Remove the ten 8mm outer left side cover bolts. Carefully and as evenly as possible, pull the outer side cover off. There are strong magnets attatched to the cover, don't be afraid if the cover hops to the side a little. Leave the wires going into the cover alone. Hang the cover from wire from over the seat (or however you want. Whatever works for you ...

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Mysterious Treasure on Oak Island: 1/5

Visit www.zigguraths.com - All free documentaries about ancient civilizations! Forty feet below, two million pounds are buried." This cryptic inscription on a stone uncovered at the 100-foot level of the Oak Island "money pit" has kept treasure hunters digging for almost 200 years. Over the centuries, Oak Island, which lies just off the coast of Nova Scotia, has gobbled up the resources and lives of many men without producing a single doubloon. Designed by some ancient engineer, the pit is a complex hole with timber crosspieces every 10 feet. Near the 100-foot level, any attempt to break through brings the Atlantic Ocean rushing in. So far, all efforts to solve the puzzle of the protective design have failed. Even using the most modern technology, no one has been able to get through to those two million pounds... 50 billion dollars! Who built it and why? Some surprising answers in this video! Read more at http

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Lecture - 22 Cellular Networks

Lecture Series on Computer Networks by Prof. S. Ghosh,Department of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT,Kharagpur. For more Courses visit nptel.iitm.ac.in

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Eva Cassidy - Fields Of Gold Lyrics

Eva cassidy "Fields of gold" Eva Cassidy was the third of four children born to Hugh and Barbara Cassidy. From an early age, she displayed artistic and musical talent. When she was nine years old, her father taught her to play the guitar, and she began to play and sing at family gatherings. While a student at Bowie High School, she sang with a local band called Stonehenge, and received considerable praise. At the age of eighteen, Cassidy began her professional career, singing and playing guitar in a Washington, DC, area band, called Easy Street. This band performed in a variety of styles, at weddings, corporate parties, and pubs. During the summer of 1983, Cassidy sang and played guitar, six days per week, at Wild World, in Maryland. Her brother Dan was also a member of this working band. Throughout the 1980s, Cassidy worked with a number of other bands, including the soul and Motown-oriented band The Honeybees, and the techno-pop band Characters Without Names, later called Method Actor. During this period, Cassidy also worked as a propagator at a plant nursery and as a furniture painter in Annapolis, Maryland. In 1986, she met (bassist and recording engineer) Chris Biondo, who encouraged her and helped her find work as a backup singer for various acts. In 1990, Biondo and Cassidy hired the so-called "Eva Cassidy Band", composed of Chris Biondo, Lenny Williams, Keith Grimes and Raice McLeod, and she began to perform frequently in the Washington area. In 1992, Biondo ...

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